Saturday, February 17, 2018

Week 2 bonus

How much should “opinion” come into play in science and in science education?  Can opinion play a positive role or a negative role in science?

In my opinion, "opinion" should not come into play at all in science and science education. I personally went to a catholic school where opinion mattered a lot in the education system specifically science. Instead of introducing us to theories and evidence about evolution it was not allowed to be taught at the school or even mentioned. In that case, I believe that the opinion played a negative role in my life as well as other students lives because we ended up not having knowledge about something that are constantly brought up in all upper division science courses. I think if the school was to teach us about evolution and then state their opinions it would've been a different story, but they didn't even allow us to make our own bias off the topic. I just firmly believe that opinion can mostly affect science negatively because science is not based on opinion its based on evidence and using the scientific method. Everyone has an opinion and I do respect everyone's opinion, but lets leave out opinions sometimes when it comes to science!

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